We are not an aggregator so the quality check on Cattle breeds, fodder is strict.
The cattle are provided with a well-balanced diet and have a proper hygienic environment in their shed. The milkmen are trained and always follow basic hygiene rules. The cattle are cleaned twice a day. The calves are well-fed with fodder and milk. Our farm is maintained according to government and industry standards.

PAVAK promises you the wholesome natural milk. The milking is done traditionally. The farmers wear gloves while milking the Cattle.
The process is repeated twice a day.

After milking is done, all the milk is collected together and chilled to below 4 degrees Celsius. This helps in controlling bacteria. Then, the milk is converted into different variants of milk products. We ensure that the milk is free from all sorts of adulteration throughout processing until it is packed.

once the milk and milk products are packed in polypacks and jars they are later set out to be delivered. Milk is a perishable commodity. For this reason, this whole process is done within a few hours of milking. Hence, the milk remains enriched with all the nutrients, with a fresh and delightful flavor.

All our efforts are justified when we deliver wholesome natural milk to your dining tables.